​Fuelled by a burning passion, we support clients in pursuing their dreams - To get there, we go above and beyond.
Excellence and high quality deliverables are our trademarks.
Alecta Advisors is a boutique business advisory firm, bringing together seasoned specialists with a proven track record in finance, business and risk management. Our clients immediately benefit from a wealth of experience and technical excellence, across specialised areas of corporate finance, risk advisory, transaction and deal structures and business strategy.
Alecta Advisors is led by Anita Aloisio, an award-winning professional who has been voted top entrepreneur of the year 2014 and received the award of corporate financier of the year for the same year. In 2015, the advisory firm that she set-up, won the top advisory firm of the year awarded by the International Accounting Bulletin.
Clients who have been served by Alecta Advisors since its inception in 2017 have entrusted the firm with other projects and continue to come back to use our services.